Tuesday, June 5, 2007


In February/March, I attempted another baby blanket for another pregnant friend, but my attempts ended in defeat. I just couldn't knit with that stiff cotton, it made my tendinitis so bad. In fact, I had to lay off the needles for several days to give my arm/shoulder/back time to heal. Which is a shame, because the blue/purple/lavender heather is so pretty.

Two more pics on my Flickr.

Three purpl-y strands of 3/2 mercerized cotton, (140 stitches, a 2 inch garter stitch border, three C3F cables up the center on a reverse stockinette background.) I think it looks pretty good, and I love the way the mix of colors heathers, but I just couldn't take the pain. I gave the cones of yarn to my partner, and after I worked up the courage, frogged it - but saved the used yarn just in case I could pick it up and work with it again at some point.

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